Thursday, March 14, 2013

Catch the Rainbow if You Can't Catch a Leprechaun

This week we have been learning about Ireland, St. Patrick's Day and reading lots and lots of books about those little pesky leprechauns. We have left our leprechaun traps (cruel free ;0) out tonight to try to catch one of those little guys and see if he will take us to his gold at the end of the rainbow.  Well, if we can't catch one, we have a back up plan. We are going to CATCH RAINBOWS!!
If you have never had the opportunity to catch a rainbow, you can now!

Before doing this, we are going to do a writing activity entitled "How to Catch a Rainbow."  First graders are so creative so I know they will come up with some amazing ways.  I will post these soon.

Materials Needed:  Cheap clear fingernail polish
                               Aluminum pie pan (not your good ones- the disposable kind)
                               Black construction paper cut into fourths

Fill up a pie pan with water
Add 3-4 drops of clear finger nail polish

Once you see a rainbow sheen on the water,
dip in the side and go under the rainbow and scoop it up!

Wa-la!! You have caught a rainbow.

Now, this is just plain magic for first graders!!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! I am LOVING your design. I hope to try and catch a rainbow tomorrow with my kids as we are on spring break! Look forward to your future posts!

    Learn With Leah



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